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Volunteering is giving hope… Let's be the person to change a life!


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Second Chance Workshop / Enviro Plus is surviving thanks to the great participation of our volunteers. Indeed, it is these thousands of hours volunteered each year that have supported this organization and continue to do so. The volunteer team at the Enviro Plus Store do not count the hours when it comes to helping the most vulnerable in our society. Whether in repair, filing, reception, sale, maintenance or other, these charitable people are never short of breath ... their contribution is indispensable! The dedication and compassion offered to the less fortunate will definitely ensure the evolution of this non-profit organization.

Why become a volunteer?

Many volunteers come to us with the intent of changing the life of a student. But very often, it is the student who helps us find a more genuine meaning to our lives!  With compassion and a few hours a month, it is possible to reduce the harmful dependency that often leads to violence and sometimes homelessness. Second Chance Workshop believes that each person who becomes more confident, thanks to this organization, succeeds!

Let's become the change we want for our community and give someone a "second chance".

There are numerous volunteer opportunities:


- Offer professional services - psychology, mental health, etc.

- Become a board member

- Provide administrative support - bookkeeping, management, sales

- Engage in social media - website, Facebook, Instagram 

- Work in the shop - cleaning, laundry, sorting, etc. 

- Repair small appliances, home appliances, upholstery

- Do maintenance work - cleaning, putting away equipment, housekeeping

- Prepare meals 

VOLUNTEER Application Form

Thank you for your request !

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